FaxPress Premier WebHelp: User Guide > Configuring User Properties


Configuring User Properties

The User Properties are FaxPress Enterprise user account settings stored on the Enterprise server. The User Properties can be accessed from any client workstation with FaxPress Plus installed, as distinct from the Personal Preferences settings (see Setting Personal Preferences) which are stored on and specific to the individual Enterprise user’s client workstation.

There are six separate tabs for configuring user account settings:

User Account — Basic Enterprise account settings, such as user name, password, voice number, etc.

Outgoing Faxes — Fax delivery settings.

Incoming Faxes — Fax receipt settings.

Printer Configuration — Printer settings.

Archive Settings— Location of databases used to store archive settings.

Email/Other – Email integration settings, as well as default cover page and attachment format preferences.

Accessing the User Properties

To configure the User Properties for your user account, follow these steps:

1. Log into FaxPress Plus. (Start>Programs>FaxPress Plus>FaxPress Plus) and select the Mailbox folder view.
2. Right click on your account’s Mailbox name and select Properties.

3. Select Properties. (Administrator-privileged users can also right click on the User folder in the Administration branch and select Add User.)
4. The User Properties screen will appear with the User Account tab selected. If the Administrator user for your system has checked the Allow user to change mailbox settings’ checkbox, you can change the settings for your own mailbox.

Configuring the User Account Properties

The User Account tab contains the most basic Enterprise account settings.


1. Enter the name you want assigned to your mailbox in the User Name test box. This is your FaxPress Enterprise login name by default.
2. Optionally enter your full name in the Full Name text box. This name will appear in your cover pages for outgoing faxes if it exists.
3. Optionally enter the voice telephone number in the Voice # text box. This number will appear on the cover page of outgoing faxes if it is defined. If you do not enter a number, the number that appears in the Enterprise Server Settings dialog box will be used. Typically, this is a corporate office number.
4. Enter the fax number that is associated with your mailbox in the Fax # text box
5. The Administrator user has set your user privilege level in the Privilege text box. Enterprise users can have different operating privilege levels. Your privilege level determines access to faxes and Enterprise functions. There are four privilege levels:

User – Can send, list, hold, view, print, save, discard, and cancel personal faxes. Also can create and edit personal phone directories and manage their own print jobs.

Router – Has User privileges plus the ability to view the first page of any fax on the Unaddressed incoming faxes list, route faxes to other users (but not themselves), and delete faxes from the Unaddressed incoming fax list.

Operator – Has Router privileges plus the ability to view, route, list, resequence, and delete all fax or print jobs. Also, can edit the corporate phone directory.

Administrator – Has Operator privileges plus the ability to add, delete, or edit users, set Enterprise default settings and server properties, and print transaction logs.

6. Optionally enter an identifier number in the Mailbox ID text box. The identifier number may contain up to 4 digits. A mailbox ID is necessary if you want to be able to automatically route faxes to this user's mailbox. Enterprise supports DID, DTMF and T-30 subaddressing. See your PBX administrator to get this ID.
7. Optionally enter a PBX access code in the PBX Access Code text box. Many companies require users to provide a password when dialing numbers in order to track phone usage per user. This may be required at the end of the phone number or at the beginning. This password can be any digit string (up to 10 digits long) like 1579.
8. Optionally enter any comment that you want to associate with your mailbox in the Description text box. This can be helpful if you have more than one mailbox.
9. If the box Allow user to change mailbox settings is checked, you can modify your own mailbox settings.
10. The Administrator user may check the Enforce Bill Back Code box to force you to enter a Bill Back Code each time a fax is sent.
11. The High Priority user option, if selected, defines your fax jobs as high priority. High priority fax jobs submitted through FaxPress Plus or email gateways are re-sequenced to the top of the outgoing queue and processed first.
12. Use the Erase Password button to erase your password so a new one can be assigned. This button will Set Password if you are a new and a password has not yet been set. If you click the button, the Change Password dialog box opens. enter your Old Password, then enter your New Password, enter it again in the Confirm box, then click OK.

To set or change your password, you must be logged in as yourself. A Administrator user can log in as you and erase the password, but only you can set a new one.

Configuring Outgoing Fax Properties

To configure the outgoing fax delivery options for a user account, follow these steps:

1. Right click on your account (or mailbox) and select Properties from the context menu. The User Properties dialog box will be displayed.
2. Select the Outgoing Faxes tab.


3. In the Time to Send section, if you want faxes sent at the first available opportunity, click on the As soon as possible radio button. This is the default value. If you want to specify a particular time of day to send faxes, click on the Send on radio button and set the time. The time entry must retain the format of the default setting. You can only set the start time. This feature works on a 24-hour basis and will send the faxes in this mailbox every 24-hours. If you set the starting time earlier than the current time, the Enterprise will send the faxes in this mailbox the next day.
4. In the After sending fax section, if you want to print each fax after being sent, activate the Print entire fax radio button. If you want to print a notification each time a fax is successfully sent, activate the Print confirmation only radio button. The confirmation will be a single page that includes a scaled down version of the first fax page and transmission details. If you do not want to print anything after a fax is successfully sent, click on the Do not print radio button. This is the default value.
5. If you have enabled FaxPress Enterprise Approval the Fax Approval section will display the conditions under which approval is required.
6. To see advanced options for outgoing faxes, click the Advanced button. Typically, the Administrator user will make these settings to ensure the best possible performance for sending faxes.


In the Line section, you can make these settings:

Default – use to set the specific line to apply the Advanced settings to, or keep the default Any Line setting for settings to apply to all lines.

Baud Rate – set the maximum baud rate at which faxes are to be transmitted.

In the Retries section, you can make these settings:

Number of Retries – set the default maximum number of times the Enterprise will try to send faxes before returning a failure message.

Time between – set an interval in minutes between each retry attempt.

In the Resolution section, select a degree of resolution; fine resolution will make for clearer images, but faxes will cost more to send.

Standard resolution is 200 X 100 dpi.

Fine resolution is 200 X 200 dpi.

Configuring Incoming Fax Properties

To configure the forwarding and fax disposition option for your faxes, follow these steps:

1. Right click on your account (or mailbox) and select Properties from the context menu. The User Properties dialog box will be displayed.
2. Select the Incoming Faxes tab.


3. Select a forwarding option in the When I receive personal incoming faxes section. Received faxes can be automatically forwarded to another Enterprise user's mailbox, another fax number, or to the members of a corporate phone book group. Automatically forwarded faxes don’t stay in a user's mailbox.
a. Do not forward— Select this if you want personal incoming faxes delivered to your mailbox.
b. Forward to FaxPress user— Select this if you want all personal incoming faxes to be automatically forwarded to another Enterprise user. Use the drop-down list to select the FaxPress Enterprise user to whom you want the faxes forwarded.
c. Forward to Remote Fax — Select this if you want all personal incoming faxes to be automatically forwarded to another fax number. Enter the fax number in the field.
d. Forward to Shared Phonebook— Select this if you want all personal incoming faxes to be automatically forwarded to all the members in a Corporate phone book group. Select the group to whom you want the fax forwarded from the drop-down list. You cannot forward faxes to the <ALL> group, so this group is not shown in the drop-down list.
4. In the Printing and Saving area, you can select both the Print Incoming Fax and Save Incoming Fax options, but at least one option must be set.

Print Incoming Fax — Select this if you want to automatically print incoming faxes.

Save Incoming Fax — Select this ifyou want to automatically save incoming faxes.

Configuring Printer Configuration Properties

To configure a printer for a user, follow these steps:

1. Right click on your account (or mailbox) and select Properties from the context menu. The User Properties dialog box will be displayed.
2. Select the Printer Configuration tab.


3. Select the type of printer device, i.e. printer port or a print queue, in the Default Print Queue section.
a. To print to a parallel printer attached to the Enterprise server click the Parallel Port radio button.
b. If you are attached to a Windows network and wish to print to a network printer select the HOST Sharable radio button and click on the Queue button to set the printer queue parameters.

This dialog box contains the information the Enterprise server uses to send print jobs to an NT sharable printer:

NT HOST Name— The name of the host computer on which the printer you want to use is connected.
Printer Sharable Name— This is the name assigned to the printer.
IP Address— The IP address of the NT server that hosts the printer queue.
Login Name— A valid login name the Enterprise can use to access the printer.
Login Password— The password for the Login Name that you are using to access the printer.

Configuring the Archive Properties

The Archive Settings dialog box allows you to change the location and type for your archive database. The original configuration is set when the FaxPress Enterprise administrator configures the FaxPress Enterprise Archive service.

This is particularly useful when you have moved an old database to different location, but occasionally need to access it.

This tab is deactivated if you are an administrator and are viewing or configuring other Enterprise user properties.

To change your archive settings:

1. Right click on your account (or mailbox) and select Properties from the context menu. The User Properties dialog box will be displayed.
2. Select the Archive Settings tab.


3. To select a database, click either Microsoft Access Database or Microsoft SQL server.

Microsoft Access Database— Use this type of database if you do not have a database server.

File name— Enter the database name with path or select Browse to find the database.

Password— If you database is password protected, enter the password here.

Microsoft SQL Server— Use this type of database if you have a resident MS SQL Server.

Connect string— Enter your DSN connect string here.

Reset to Default— If you click the Reset to Default button the database configuration and location originally set by your Enterprise administrator with the Archive Configurator program will be restored.

Configuring the Email/Other Properties

The Email/Other tab will display Email Gateway user settings if the Email Gateway service has been activated and configured by the Administrator user.


Display Name – Displays the User Name entered in the User Account properties.

Email Address – Enter the user’s email address. This is required to send messages to email as well as fax recipients, since mail servers typically look for a return email address before accepting mail.

Attachment format – TIF, DCX or PDF

Use Cover Page – The default cover page is CORPORATE.PCL.

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FaxPress Enterprise & Enterprise Redundant WebHelp
Last Updated: 11/1/2007

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